The Armory Show: Souad Abelrassoul, Tahir Karmali

9 - 11 September 2022 
Booth P9, Javits Center, New York
Souad Abdelrassoul (Egyptian b. 1974) & Tahir Karmali (Kenyan b. 1987)
For our second Armory Show presentation, Circle will show a selection of new paintings by Abdelrassoul and silk works by Karmali. Abdelrassoul's paintings continue her exploration of her place as a woman, and her relationships within a patriarchal society. Karmali's silk-works focus on migration and transformation of materials across geographies and economies, extending investigations begun in earlier works. Abdelrassoul's painterly language and approach to visual storytelling offers a counterpoint to Karmali's investigations of material and form.
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